
Can Dogs Eat Persimmons?

Persimmons are the autumn fruit. It is not common fruit, and many people like it because of its sweet taste and smooth texture. But many dog owners ask a question that can dogs eat persimmons? The answer is a little bit diplomatic because the persimmon is not toxic to dogs, but when given to the dog in excess, it can be harmful to the dogs. To know more about the effects of persimmons on the dog, we should understand what persimmons are and the nutritional value of the persimmon.

What Are Persimmons?

The persimmon is the fruit of the autumn season. It has a sweet taste. The persimmons are of two types: the American persimmon Diospyros virginiana and Asian persimmon, also known as the Japanese persimmon Diospyros kaki. The Japanese persimmon is commonly available in stores. 

The Japanese persimmons are available in two popular types:

Hachiya: the Hachiya is acorn-shaped persimmon, and there is high tannin content in them. This type of persimmon is best to eat when it is entirely ripe or overripe. The skin of these persimmons is of deep orange color and has a gloss on it. The flesh of the Hachiya persimmons is of dark yellow color and has black streaks in it. 

Fuyu: the shape of the Fuyu persimmon is like a tomato.  This type of persimmon can be eaten even when it is not entirely ripe. The skin color of the Fuyu persimmon is deep orange and has light orange-colored flesh. These Fuyu persimmons have few or no seeds. 

The persimmons are not only good in taste, but they are also rich in nutrition. Eating persimmons can provide you a lot of essential nutrients.

Nutritional Value Of The Persimmons

The persimmon is very rich in nutrients, and it can provide several health benefits if eaten in a moderate amount. These also don’t have too many calories in them. There are 127 calories in the 100 grams of the persimmons. Other essential nutrients present in the persimmon are as follows:

Nutrients Value in grams %age daily value 
Total fat 0.4 grams 0%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 310 mg 8%
Total carbohydrates 34 grams 11%
Proteins 0.8 grams 1%
Vitamin C110%
Calcium 2%
Iron 13%
Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin B60%
Cobalamin 0%
Magnesium 0%

Can Dogs Eat Persimmon Safely Without Any Health Issues? 

This is the most asked question by dog owners in the autumn season because the persimmon grows in the autumn season. So, the persimmons are available for a brief period, and the dog owners want their dogs to enjoy the sweet and delicious taste of persimmons. The answer to the question that dogs can eat persimmons is in between yes and no. The persimmon is not toxic for the dogs, but when given in excess amount, it can cause health issues to the dog. 

Benefits of persimmons to dogs 

The persimmons are very nutritious and can provide many health benefits to the dog. some of the leading nutritional benefits of persimmons to dogs are as follows:

Dietary fibers 

The persimmons are rich in the dietary fibers, and the nutritional fibers are perfect for the excellent health of the digestive system as it regulates the movement of bowel in the gastrointestinal tract. The dietary fibers are also the stomach fillers, so it doesn’t let the dog feel hungry soon. by doing this, persimmons are good at maintaining the dog’s weight. 

Vitamin C 

Persimmons are very rich in vitamin C, and the vitamin C is known for its importance in strengthening the immune system. So, by providing the persimmon to the dogs, you are supporting the dog’s immune system. 


There is also a very high amount of iron in the persimmons. Iron is an essential mineral to regulate the healthy physiology of the dog. Iron is necessary to maintain a good oxygen carrying capacity of the dog’s red blood cells. The iron also works with some enzymes to carry out a biochemical reaction. 

Can Persimmons Be Harmful To The Dogs

Moderation is the key to a healthy life. The persimmons are not toxic for the dogs, but if your dog has eaten too many persimmons, it can cause health issues. And if your dog has eaten the persimmon with the pits or seeds, it can cause the intestinal blockage of the dog. If your dog is suffering from intestinal blockage, your dog will show the following symptoms of illness:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooling 
  • Abdominal Pain 
  • bloating

 if you know that your dog has eaten the persimmon and shows the above symptoms of illness, you should take your dog to the vet quickly. So that the dog can be treated as soon as possible before the conditions get worst. 


Are Persimmons Poisonous to Dogs?

The persimmons are not poisonous to dogs, these are entirely safe for the dog, but the amount should be kept in moderation. If eaten in large amounts, it can cause health issues to the dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Persimmons?

Yes, the dog can eat cooked persimmons. The cooked persimmons are safe for the dogs but keep in mind that you only add the food items in the persimmons that are safe for the dogs. Many spices are not safe for dogs, so you have to avoid using those spices in the food cooked for the dog.

How Many Persimmon Can My Dog Eat?

The amount of persimm0oonsafe for the dog depends on the dog’s size, age, breed, and physiology. So if you want to give persimmon to your dog and are confused about the amount of persimmon safe for the dog, you should talk to the vet to know the safe amount of persimmon according to your dog’s physiology.

Can Dogs Enjoy The Dried Persimmons? 

Dried persimmons are an excellent option to provide natural sweetness to the dog. But keep in mind that dried fruits are rich in sugar content. And if you are giving the dried persimmons to the dog, you should give it to the dog in a small amount. And if your dog is diabetic, then you should never provide dried persimmon to the dog. 


The persimmons are seasonal fruits and are available only in the winter season. This is a deliciously sweet fruit, so many dogs’ owners ask can dogs eat persimmons? Yes, the persimmons are safe for the dogs, but you should give persimmons to the dog in moderation. When you are giving the persimmons to the dog, you should remove the peel and the seeds of the persimmon because these can cause health issues to the dogs. 

And being a wise dog owner, you should talk to the vet first before giving persimmons or anything for the first time to the dog. So, that the vet can tell you the effects of that thing on your dog according to your dog’s physiology, age, and size.